Next Friday 2/24 @ 7pm
BYOB / RSVP for address
"My Pussy Hat: A Soliloquy"
When not everyone knew what the pussy
Hat was all about. My parents called it,
"Cute." Men looked me up and down with a wink.
An internal struggle arose, my mind
Unsure how to share kindly that my hat
Is called a Pussy Hat, that us Pussies
Have gathered in sisterhood to protest
The perspective of the man moving in
To run our country into his pockets -
- and pants - before his term is completed.
Then, on the Thursday eve before, standing
Outside the Cherry Lane Theatre, the Ghost
Light Ceremony about to begin,
An experience of recognition.
"I like your hat," she said. I looked around.
She was easy to find as the only
Other Puss in the crowd. We both smiled
For the budding sorority that we
Well knew was on the brink of bursting forth. [...]
-Ria / The Skeleton Rep