TSR: What’s your role in our production of WAPAJ?
RS: I'm playing Florence, our floundering nun.
TSR: Tell us the story of how you first got involved in the theatre.
RS: My parents noticed that i kept on memorizing movies and performing then alone on the fireplace
mantel, so they signed me up for theater summer camp. I made up a line while we were creating our
original play, and everyone laughed and decided to keep it in. From then on I was like "Oh yeah, I've got ideas."
TSR: What’s your funniest memory from High School?
RS: In gym class where everyone was required to ballroom dance. That was ridiculous.
TSR: What would you be a Patron Saint of?
RS: Listening.
TSR: Why should we see this play?
RS: WAPAJ is hilarious and heartwarming, and everyone involved is extremely talented. Plus, everyone
should experience Catholic school at least once.